Kate Lanphear during NYFW FW14

Kate Lanphear during NYFW FW14
Kate Lanphear during NYFW FW14
“Where ever it wants you to be it takes you.”
An exhibition created to show that external differences are never a reason for violence. Ever.
When you’re here, you’re so alive
Cassandra Kellog of Minimale Animale
Nick Fouquet local Venice hatmaker
Q: Where are you as you answer these questions?
A: In bed next to my sleeping girlfriend.
Q: Where are you as you answer these questions?
A: At a shitty and I mean shitty Motel in San Clemente.
“I’m extremely inspired by vintage lingerie. I love all the little details, and the delicacy, I get inspired by simple lines, showing off certain parts of a woman’s body, and exuding sexiness with a timeless look.”
Ariel and Christina of Rae Francis 1. What are your plans for the holiday? A: Headed home to Boston for a little while! Then I will be back in New York for my very first new years in the City! C: Palm Beach for a very merry xmas and new years! Read the full article…
Ryley of www.strathconastockings.com 1. Where are you from? I’m from a small beach town called Roberts Creek in Canada. 2. Why stockings? I was searching for beautiful printed socks and couldn’t find any. So I made them. 3. What inspires the designs? Pretty much anything. A walk in the garden. A postcard. Lunch. 4. How Read the full article…
1. Where are you from? Dallas, Texas 2. How has moving from Texas to California influenced your design? I have always been inspired by Texas style, specifically the 80’s Texas glam look. I grew up going to camp starting when I was 8 over in Lake of The Ozarks, Missouri. Read the full article…
Ariel on the left in the Carlos Blouse from Holiday 2011 Collection and Christina on the right in the Craig Skirt from Holiday 2012 Collection. www.raefrancis.com Where are you both from? Ariel is from Boston, MA and Christina is from Palm Beach, FL How does coming from different parts of Read the full article…
Ania Boniecka of www.aniab.net Where are you from? Calgary. What are you doing here in Venice? Just visiting. We are staying at a friends house in in Venice. We actually asked him an hour before we left, it was either that or stay with a friend near Melrose and we Read the full article…
Tao Ruspoli www.taoruspoli.com www.monogamyanditsdiscontents.com You’re headed out on a trip, where are you headed? We’re headed out in our 1976 GMC RV from Venice Beach to Alaska. We are going to take six weeks on the road exploring the state of marriage and monogamy in our culture. So this trip Read the full article…
www.kaibrownmusic.com Where are you from? I grew up in Sydney, Australia and I moved to America in 2005. What does home mean to you? Family is the first thing that comes to mind, the beach, weather, and friends. How has Venice influenced your music? Greatly. I’ve been surrounded by great Read the full article…
Judy Coleman of www.judycolemanphotography.com Where are you from? I was born in New York, but when my father returned home after World War II (after surviving the sinking of his ship by Kamikaze pilots) we moved to Westchester County where I learned to ride at the age of four at Read the full article…
Founder of Late Sunday Afternoon
Last evening I had the chance to meet photographers Mikeal Kennedy and Sean Sullivan just a few hours before they set off on an exodus to explore the heart of America. The two photographers will set out on a 5,600 mile road trip sponsored by Wolverine to document their travels Read the full article…