Model Citizen: 2
OAK interviews Cailin Russo for Nylon Mag
Model: Cailin Russo
Agency: Newmark Models
Photography: Michael Dumler
Clothing: Levis, Garrett Leight, UNIF,
1. I guess for starters I’d like to know how you ended up modeling? As a kid, what were your interests? Were you always in front of the camera?
I guess I was always in front of something, and I sheepishly always liked attention. But I never would have thought I would be a model. Especially through my early teens I had some serious self-esteem issues. #beingapreteenisfun. As a kid I was a total weirdo always wanting to be involved in crazy arts & crafts and magic. A lot of magic– I had a book of spells that I would try and do all the time. Good spells though. Make love potions and all that stuff. I was always caught in between wanting to be an artist (painting) and being a scientist growing up. Obviously I had another path coming along 😉
2. What are your thoughts on branding? How do you consistently stand out amongst a sea of beautiful people? What do you do in order to establish your name, rather than simply your face?
Honestly. I don’t know. There are SO many beautiful unique people in the world. I could say I make myself stand out by A) being myself & making sure everyone sees my own true quirky little attributes that make me Cailin & B) not holding back anything.. If I think a pretzel fits in my life and I should share it with the world then that’s it. (Which can get me into trouble)
3. Many people think modeling is easy. They don’t understand the athletic approach to it. What does a day consist of for you as far as working out? What is your favorite way to exercise?
I love cardio which is crazy but I think it’s the easiest. Your mind escapes for 20 minutes to an hour of your day to run away with you. I also like taking classes and being involved with a group because I’ve always liked a lot of people in my surroundings.
4. I sometimes meet girls who were scouted with such little interest in fashion that they don’t know or care how they dress. Are you well versed in fashion? How would you describe your overall style?
My overall style is Funky. It’s all over the place. Not too boho, not too grunge, not too Kawaii. It’s very eclectic like me. Which actually may describe it better…Eclectic
5. Do you have any pre shoot rituals?
Drink caffeine – whether it’s tea or coffee or whatever. You need to have something pumping you up. Unless you’re naturally excited then no. Haha
6. This industry is full of ups and downs, constant surprises, and constant rejection. What makes the good parts worth enduring the bad?
I guess when the good stuff does come up you stop dwelling over the bad. And at 1 point you just have to face facts and know that what is supposed to happen will happen. Otherwise it’s not for you.
7. Do you want to model as your end goal of a career? If so, how will you ensure that happens? What is your dream job as a model?
My dream job as a model is doing a Marc Jacobs perfume add. His simple unorthodox campaigns seem to really fit me in that perfectly commercial/uncommercial way. Back to the first question – no modeling is not my end goal career.
8. Have you made any good friends through modeling? When you aren’t working.. what do you do for fun? What type of friend are you in your group?
Hell to the yes. All my friends I have made from modeling, my booker is one of my best friends! From photographers, to other models, to production people, stylists — I think to myself everyday that I am so blessed to be in this industry to meet these people. They complete me. My friends are all random but come together via fashion, passion & love (wow that was corny) but it’s true! Of course I will have my friends from back home but in my lifestyle now. When I’m free I write music, go on hikes with people all in the industry
9. With things like modeling or dancing, there is so much expression without the use of words! Do you find speaking in public to be scary or easy?
It depends on the day. And the meaning behind it.
10. Give us your top secret skincare regimen. What products are you into right now?
I use Neutragina face lotion & Aveeno natural face wash…That’s all. As long as my face is mousturized I feel good.
11. If you could only walk or shoot with one designer/photog for the rest of your life, who would it be?
For the rest of my life?! Oh man I don’t know.. Designer – I would say Valentino.. But also Alexander Wang because I love dressing casual too. Then photographer-I think Ted Emmons and Zoey Grossman captures me very well.. I am dying to shoot with Ellen Von Unworth though, also Olivia Malone — I think we could pop shit off.
12. A person’s jewelry says a lot about who they are. What is your everyday jewelry?
I loose a lot of jewelry. But a few pieces I always have is a gold necklace my mom gave me with my name on it, a watch my boyfriend gave me two Xmases ago (I love watches) and other earrings (simple) thingggs my grandma past down. Otherwise I think the more the merrier! I obviously have my septum pierced. I love rings but I’m terrible at keeping them, I love chokers and spikes and hoops. I don’t know. I guess everything and random objects. Like corky eyeballs & dragons on things 🙂
13. How do you dress for castings? Any advice for girls who are starting out? How can they stand out in a pair of black jeans and a black tank?
Have a super personality hahah.
14. What type of music do you listen to? During a shoot, what song would you blast on repeat if you had creative control?
Fuck me pumps remix by amy winehouse. Otherwise I just like shooting to high energy music. Also Sean Paul radio?? (Amazing) reggaeton
15. The no makeup makeup was clearly invented by a supermodel. Any favorite products or tips for a girl who wants to look her best, but also wants to look makeup free?I say stick to concealer – cuz no matter how beautiful u are there is always SOMETHING. A clean foundation to even it out a BOMB eyebrow pencil and brush. Then some mascara. I reccomend the pink & green one at pharmacys . So good
16. If you could only keep one thing in your closet, what would that item be?Dresses. No matter how I feel I love dresses
17. Scents are important! Especially when you are running from casting to casting. Do you have a signature scent?I switch it up.
I was ALWAYS daisy by Marc Jacobs girl. But recently I have found a new love for older Michael kors — smells like a pine forest18. I know modeling makes it so you can’t really change much about your look. If you could make some wild change to your hair, piercings, tattoos..what would you do?I would probably have dred locks. like really long crazy ones. And braids. And a neck tattoo. That’s it. Or maybe a white Bob if I was chic
19. Models don’t get much sympathy from the world because they are “perfect.” There is a struggle in not fitting in, but there is also a definite pain that comes from not being able to make friends because they are jealous of you, or intimidated by your beauty. It is not cocky to agree, in fact many girls experience this and it’s just as painful as being made fun of. What is your experience with bullying or not fitting in?Well. I think first people judge you which is completely acceptable. I don’t think I have ever felt bullied more than any other person because I am a model. And as far as people not wanting to be friends with me because of my physical appearance I feel is dumb, if you have met me before you would know that I am humble and goofy as hell
20. Give some aspiring models some genuine advice! Things you’ve learned, mistakes you’ve made, lessons passed onto you, etc.DONT HOLD BACK. Always give it your all. Which sometimes I have to think back and remember this but I always ask myself “why not?” It’s a good way to look at things

Cailin Russo, Tallulah Willis
Newmark Models
New York