
Cassandra Kellog



1. Where are you from?

From California, grew up in the Wilderness of Oregon


2. Where are you as you answer these questions?

In bed. Ha ha 🙂


3. Why swimwear?

Always had an obsession & loved the idea of not wearing a lot of clothing and that was skin colored. I’ve always been really comfortable with my figure all through my life 😉

4. What inspires your designs?

Looking into the past & present and constantly seeing new things.

5. Your favorite beach to wear Minimale Animale on?

I’m sure I’ve yet to set foot on my favorite beach of my life:) but the Bahamas is probably the most dreamy, incredible beach I’ve ever been too in Eluthera.


6. What are you listening to right now?



7. Next place you want to do a photo shoot?

We’re shooting in California for our next campaigns, but Rio is at the top of the list after that OZ & Seychelles 🙂


8. If you were not a designer what would you be?

I would be lost in this world without having a creative outlet. Definitely something in the arts, probably my gig before as a stylist.


9. What is something you can pass along to me?

Must see the doc. “Searching for Sugar Man” other Poetry by Pablo Neruda, music – Bo Diddley !

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Cassandra Kellog


Los Angeles


Minimale Animale

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